Jasmine Smith



Jasmine Smith is the CEO of Rejuve.AI, a decentralized longevity research network that intertwines Web 3.0 with healthy living. Founded six years ago in Australia, Rejuve.AI collaborates with individuals, clinics, researchers, and health supply vendors to make longevity solutions accessible and affordable to all through AI and blockchain technologies.

The company is set to release a longevity app that offers personalized health insights in exchange for users’ health data and its crypto token, RJV. Rejuve.AI aims to revolutionize healthcare by promoting better-informed lifestyle decisions to prevent illness or detect it early on, contrasting with traditional medical practices that often focus on treating symptoms rather than root causes.

Jasmine Smith’s vision for Rejuve.AI includes creating models for aging, optimizing health spans, and lifespans at both individual and population levels, with a focus on promoting healthy living and longevity. The company’s long-term goal is to build an international database of longevity for drug discovery and personalized therapies, providing individuals with AI simulations for accurate health predictions.