Didier Coeurnelle

Heales (Healthy Life Extension Society)


Lawyer by profession and a transhumanist social activist, serving as the co-president of Heales (Healthy Life Extension Society), an association that campaigns for a longer healthy life. Additionally, he is the vice-president of AFT Technoprog (the French Transhuman\ist Association – Technoprog).

Coeurnelle’s work focuses on the possibility of achieving “amortality,” a term coined by Edgar Morin in 1951, which refers to the possibility of no longer dying from age-related diseases. These diseases are responsible for about 70% of deaths worldwide and 90% in “rich” countries. The transhumanist movement, which Coeurnelle is a part of, evolves with its time and is at the forefront of reflection on stopping aging.

Coeurnelle has published two books (in French) about longevity and transhumanism and has been actively participating in and organizing conferences and press contacts about these topics.

He is also involved with Heales, where he serves as the co-chair, coordinator, secretary, and is responsible for communication.